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The ultimate goal of Department of Psychological Counseling Guidance is to help our students succeed and those they serve thrive. In psychology and counseling, both theory and practice are equally important. Our department stresses research, practice, service, and teaching.

Our academic offerings include master’s programs that provide helping professionals with therapeutic skills that are critical in schools and many other settings. We train school counselors, clinical mental health counselors, and rehabilitation counselors — three different tracks, each blending in-depth theoretical knowledge with the intensive hands - on experiences for which Ball State is known. Our master’s-level social psychology programs focus strongly on understanding how people interact with one another, building knowledge that’s useful across many disciplines, from education to human resources to criminal investigation. At the doctoral level, we also educate counseling psychologists, who use their skills in a broad array of academic and clinical settings.

Our dedication to experiential learning and community service is embodied by the Counseling Practicum, which allows our graduate students to offer counseling services to area residents, under the supervision of licensed psychologists.

In this modern society the fastest and the most stressful lifestyle people are constantly faced with the ups and downs which is making it necessary for the need of psychologists. Starting from the maxim that it is better to be a player than a fan within the Faculty of Social Sciences launched the opening of the studies in psychological counseling and guidance. The purpose of this study program is to produce trained staff to help people to gain insight and to take control of life in their hands.

Due to the knowledge and skills acquired in the study program psychological counseling and guidance that provides to graduates a secure employment and help them to develop any other opportunities for their career advancement.

Psychologists today work in schools, Mental Health Care Centers, Centers for the Treatment of Diseases of Addiction, Advisory Centers for Children and Youth, Marriage Counseling Centers, Counseling for Penology, then at Psychiatric and Neurological Clinics, Pediatric Clinics and other Healthcare facilities.

Satisfaction with life today depends on the balance between work and family, because there are psychologists who are employed by banks, courts, software companies, factories, centers for professional orientation and selection, military, police, and in the media. With his knowledge psychologists are employed in scientific research centers, helpful and the various ministries such as Ministry of Education, Justice, Labour and Social Policy, Economics, and Health.

With the completion of the study program of psychological counseling and guidance, graduates can independently run, private practice offering various services like psychological counseling, coaching, psychotherapy, selection and recruitment of staff, clinical assessment of personality, marketing and communication.

Studying psychological counseling and guidance implies participation in interactive teaching, performing practice in organizations under the supervision of psychologists who involved in socially useful activities, project development, enhancement and implementation of ideas for helping the community.

The education which includes top academics from different countries, like teachers who generously share their knowledge and that are always available to students.

Graduates of the study program, psychological counseling and guidance, in the best way help people to prosper being happy and satisfied with their lives, having a noble and respected profession which allow to make the world a better place for living.

Course lists Faculty of Social Sciences

1.      Semester   2.      Semester
 No  Courses ECTS    No  Courses ECTS
1 Foundations of Psychological Counseling 8 1 Neurophysiologic Psychology 6
2 Cognitive Process 8 2 Emotions and Motivation 6
3 Introduction to Psychology 8 3 Descriptive Statistics 6
4 Elective Course from the University List** 6 4 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
        *Transforming Conflicts /
        *Creativity /
      5 Elective Course from the University List** 6
  Total 30   Total 30
3.      Semester   4.      Semester
No  Courses ECTS     No  Courses ECTS
1 Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence  6 1 Psychology of Adult and Aging 6
2 Inferential Statistics  6 2 Psychology of Personality 6
3 Psychological Testing  6 3 Psychology of People with Special Needs 6
4 Elective Course from the Faculty List*  6 4 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
5 Elective Course from the Faculty List*   5 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
  *Intelligence  /   *Gifted Education /
  *Psychology of Family  /   *Emotions and Cognition /
  *Gender and Violence  /   *Computer Data Processing /
  *Introduction to Anthropological Culture  /   *Ethical Psychological Process /
  Total 30   Total 30
5.      Semester   6.      Semester
No Courses ECTS   No Courses ECTS
1 Evolutionary Psychology 6 1 General Psychopathology 8
2 Theories of Personality 6 2 Social Psychology 8
3 Introduction to Empirical Research 6 3 Quantitative Research Methods 8
4 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6 4 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
  *Making Psychological Tests /   *Psychology of Personal Development /
  *School Interaction /   *Favorable Social Behavior /
5 Elective Course from the University List** 6      
  Total 30   Total 30
7.      Semester   8.      Semester
No  Courses ECTS      Courses ECTS
1 Clinical Psychology 6 1 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
2 Psychological Counseling and Directing 6 2 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6
3 Pedagogical Psychology 6 3 Elective Course from the University List** 6
4 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6   *Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy /
5 Elective Course from the Faculty List* 6   *Evaluation, Testing and Application /
  *Psychology of Marketing /   *Methodology of Teaching Psychology /
  *Positive Psychology /   *Kids and Youth Psychopathology /
  *Conflict Resolution / 4 Practical Instruction 4
  *Moral Development / 5 Graduate Work 8
  Total 30   Total 30
** Elective courses from the university list in first cycle studies
No  Courses ECTS
1 English Language 1 6
2 Macedonian Language 1 6
3 Albanian Language 1 6
4 English Language 2 6
5 Macedonian Language 2 6
6 Albanian Language 2 6
7 Globalization and intercultural communication 6
8 Informatics 6
9 Ethics 6
10 Communication in Public Administration 6


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